
Hi David, thanks for the link. I've managed so far to avoid being sucked into AI graphics, but can't avoid AI text as it seems to ship default in more and more text-based tools. But I have saved the link, and (if Fragments rises from the ashes) I'll need more visuals.

I have not gotten so far as in my understanding of consciousness to find communication with spirits on the task list. I do hope to trace the concept of the SOUL, as this may shed some light on the topic of panpsychism and the presence of consciousness in the cosmos.

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Got it, Kathy, thanks!

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Paul, I anticipate an attempt to talk about the language that we use to go places we’ve never been before. Thanks for your thoughts.

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Hi Fred,

I enjoy reading your field notes. I am quite aware that we are surrounded by conscious spirits. I have been doing spiritual counseling and teaching people to communicate with spirits for about 14 years.

I have discovered a tool you may wish to investigate if you have not done so already.

It is Jasper AI art and I have found it quite powerful and extremely useful for providing images for articles.

I have attached a link to a pdf file that shows what it can do. You merely provide it with text prompts and it generates art. https://icedrive.net/s/P9B8TZVk2fDTQGS7ytWRVjV4yvXt

Truly good stuff!


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The December issue of The Sun magazine has an interview with a man who is studying consciousness and artificial intelligence. His name is Guven Guzeldere.

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Thanks for sharing. I too have been reading about consciousness as it relates to the Cosmos and how we humans fit into the universe. It seems, to me, that advances in technology has turned our conscious state inward and to viewing the world through a screen rather than by actually experiencing our universe by looking up at the night sky and out to the natural world around us. I think our lack of consciousness, especially in the way we use resources, is destroying our planet.

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I struggle with the idea that everything in the universe is conscious. I get it that the tree, when alive, growing, and reproducing, is conscious. However, when cut and made into a table or chair, is it still conscious? I agree that what is alive is conscious, I need more convincing about the inanimate.

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Happy and healthy are my wishes for you going into this next year!

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