Personally, I like to pull over if I don’t want to go any above the speed limit. I think the rule in California is if there are three or more cars behind you, you should pull over to let them pass.

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It drives me nuts (pun totally intended) when I can't see the car behind my camper because they are so close.

While we are at it, can we talk about people that merge onto the Interstate at 35 mph? The merge lane exists for you to get up to speed, people!

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I drove back roads through the following states WI, IL, IN, TN, GA, FL, SC, NC, VA, West Virginia, PA, and OH about a month ago. It was the same everywhere, except for two places.

In southern Indiana, people spaced themselves out (5 car lengths) and went the speed limit (just as I had been taught when I learned to drive in Indiana). At that point, I realized that I was indeed a "Hoosier driver." The bad behavior of drivers in NW Indiana is likely all those Illinois-born drivers who moved to Indiana to avoid taxes. I remember thinking at the time that when self-driving cars, which automatically space themselves out and go the speed limit, are introduced, the folks in southern Indiana will be the ones to adjust most quickly.

The other place where no one tailed me was Hwy 48 running through eastern West Virginia. It was a Sunday (May 1) morning, a touch of rain turned everything spring green and yellow. The pink Redbuds added a nice highlight. The Lost River State Park area was particularly beautiful. But there were so few cars, this might not be enough for a valid observation.

The most surprising place where I did not get tailed while driving was in Northern California, especially around San Francisco.

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Adjacent perplexity: could the exhaust-snorters be in any way of the same tribe as those who think the world is all about them and their convenience: litterers? The world wants to know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I'm going to look for one of those bumper stickers that say "The closer you get, the slower I go." Also, what's up with people that have this need to achieve "just one more car closer to my destination" on a two-lane stretch where the right lane ends soon?

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